Club Captains Guide

As a Club Captain you hold one the most important positions within your club.  You must earn the respect of members by your actions and lead your members with hard work and dedication to meet the demands of the position.  Along with a variety of committees, you shall assume responsibility for all matters relating to the practical side of surf lifesaving including equipment, patrols, training, assessment, and competition.

The Club Captain’s administration of practical lifesaving matters allows the club management committee to function in its true role (administration and finance) and in the main would touch on lifesaving matters only by direct report from the club captain or other lifesaving officers.

This guide has been developed to provide Club Captains with an insight into the position they are undertaking and some guidance as to how to manage areas of the club. To outline all scenarios the Club Captain may have to face is impossible.  It is therefore essential that as Club Captain you research information from other areas to complement this information guide.