Buhk Wilkes - Lifesaving Club of the Year

SLSQ Sunshine Coast Branch is continually endeavoring to enhance the prestige and the significance of the Buhk Wilkes Trophy by increasing exposure to full season inspections as opposed to limited inspections.

Both Bill Buhk and Fred Wilkes, in whose name the Trophy is dedicated, placed great emphasis on the standard of our grass roots responsibility in all aspects of surf lifesaving, not just for a few months of the season, but for the entire patrolling period. The Trophy is presented annually to the Club that meets the criteria and highest standard of proficiency both in the Club house and on the beach that these men greatly respected and firmly upheld during their time of service. 

The benefits in conducting a SLSQ Sunshine Coast Lifesaving Club of the Year competition are many, with some of the main benefits having been identified as being:

  • the advancement of lifesaving skills

  • promoting patrolling efficiency

  • using the competition as an identification tool that can detect areas of patrolling that may need improving and reviewing

  • building morale and Club strength

  • keeping patrols active

  • improved lifesaving administration

This competition will form an important role in the patrolling system, with the end of season results a discussion point and a representation of how well the club is managing itself on the beach and also within the area of lifesaving ‘Administration’.


Guidelines and Judging Criteria

Submit Buhk Wilkes Criteria Documents

2022/23 Results